after some additional reflection on yesterday's
roadmap v0.1, i noticed that it's lacking the regional comparisons i talked about
earlier. i still intend to incorporate them in my paper, with
two approaches coming to mind:
- apply the roadmap to each of the regions (US, UK, DE) separately; compare findings
- perform regional analysis within each square of the matrix
i dislike the first approach, mainly due to the fact that i expect the findings to be vastly different for the regions; not only regarding their quality, but also their quantity - for example, blogs are not very well established in germany yet, and as far as i currently know, their influence on elections is little or none. the second approach - basically splitting the matrix squares up horizontally - seems more feasible, as it would allow for regional comparisons wherever possible, but not requiring them by design.
generally i think it would be wise to focus on the US - maybe as a way of predicting the future for blogs on the other side of the atlantic - and compare the findings to those of the UK and DE.
another feature i talked about earlier was the development over time. although i did not explicitly mention this in the matrix (apart from the phrase "overall development"), this will of course be looked at in each square, and for each region. it might be interesting to see whether the current state in the UK or DE resembles one in the US a while ago.