Wednesday, April 06, 2005


i received my graded term paper today: a 1.0! that's as good as it gets... i wasn't quite expecting that, but i'm not one to complain. :-)

i spent the last few days thinking about what precisely my thesis should be about. my previous approach (read "we the media", find out what sounds best) doesn't appear to be working as i had hoped. so i'll have to come up with a more or less precise topic, then research that; my dad had a few interesting suggestions that i'll ponder on. i definitely want to get through this stage by friday, april 15, so i can start researching and writing.

edit: reminder for anyone who blogs: c&p the text before submitting it... i thought i'd have to rewrite this entry because blogger wouldn't publish correctly. turns out that it worked, but it's safer to make sure you have a copy.


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