thesis topic
so i've spent the better part of the past week trying to figure out what exactly to write about. it's not as easy as it may seem... to give you some idea of how far i've gotten, here's a photo of my idea sketchings:
update 2008-11-11: moved files to a different location

i really like the idea of researching the interactions between blogs and msm (mainstream media). this includes taking a detailed look at the issue of trust (which in turn includes ethics, transparency, etc. for blogs and msm), and the new role of the (former) audience. one approach might be to look at the potentially different development stages the interaction is in in the US, UK and DE, respectively. it might be interesting to conduct some email interviews to help show how members of msm and the blogosphere feel about said interaction.
so, there has been some progress, but i'm not quite there yet. i hereby extend my deadline to monday...
update 2008-11-11: moved files to a different location
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