Tuesday, October 04, 2005

shuffling paragraphs

not much writing going on today (at least so far - but the night is still young!). instead, i felt the need to restructure the chapter on weblogs and elections yet again. it just didn't feel right, and i had trouble deciding on where to put what.
so... here's my next attempt:

political weblogs and their role in elections

  1. resource for the voters

  2. resource for the media

  3. resource for the campaigns

i'll use this list for the US elections and DE elections, respectively.

to me, this (now) sounds like the straight-forward approach. sure - there will still be overlaps and interactions between the parts. but that's normal...right? :-)

...and now for something completely different: google and sun announced a software collaboration agreement today. rumor has it that we might see a "google office" somewhere in the future. take that, ms! ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as for the para_shuffling, no problem - the implications of s/g teaming up i find more opaque.

10:31 pm  

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