Tuesday, September 20, 2005


although i am at the end of page 43, i wanted to give kudos to douglas adams at page 42 - for, as you all know, 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything (even google says so, so it's gotta be true!).

i set up a daily goal of two pages, which would give me 10 pages a week with weekends off (yeah, right...) - it's worth a shot.

my approach for the current chapter has changed yet again, though the direction remains the same. i'll start out by providing my hypotheses - so far:

  • blogs serve as an information platform

  • blogs evoke voter interaction

  • blogs provide access to field campaigners

  • blogs enable tapping of new funds

i'll then find support for these hypotheses - or lack of such, as the case may be - in the US and DE election landscapes. i started filing the material i have into these categories and it seems to be working out nicely. this appears to be my best approach so far, as it actually lets me use the material i have - it was turning out to be a bit of a problem to find some structure while incorporating the material into my paper. i suppose that's what tends to happen if you start writing before planning the whole thing out. but that's how i work, so... :-) let's hope this approach is successful!


Blogger Timmy said...

Good luck with whatever it is your doing...

8:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the scheme sounds right on target, to me - can't wait to see results. and thanks for the link to "the answer..."; .ra.

12:05 am  
Blogger hfehr said...

thanks for the input - scheme seems to be working so far.

3:48 pm  

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