LaTeX + BibTeX + citations MLA-style + website citations
after seeing how much "fun" a friend of mine had writing his thesis in word, i spent the last two days trying to figure out whether i should use latex instead. right now i'm pretty certain i'll go for it. it took me about a day to add some hacks to a bibtex extension file (or whatever it's called) so as to be able to cite according to mla rules.
i was rather shocked to see that there was no suitable extension available that abided by mla rules _and_ supported website citations. i didn't think this was anything extraordinary, but hey... in case someone reading this runs into the same problem, here's my quick and extremely dirty, yet apparently functional hack of the original mla.bst and mla.sty files with added mla website citation support (actually only the mlaurl.bst is modified, mlaurl.sty is simply a copy).
if i make any further modifications, i'll upload updated versions.
update 2005-07-05: still happy with the modifications i made. only unresolved problem i've come across so far is that the "clickable" version of the automatically generated links in the works cited section don't work correctly (underscores are left out). this does not affect the printed links, so i don't mind too much. i have updated the mlaurl.bst to include tweaked webpage entry to include organization, if given.
update 2005-10-19: updated the mlaurl.bst to allow for a user-defined prefix and suffix. the solution i used earlier didn't work too well with over-long urls. this current version works together with the packages url and hyperref to allow for clickable urls in the resulting pdf document. hyperref also allows you to format the links (color etc.) and to set some pdf options (author etc.). download link
update 2008-11-11: moved download to a different location and updated links
i was rather shocked to see that there was no suitable extension available that abided by mla rules _and_ supported website citations. i didn't think this was anything extraordinary, but hey... in case someone reading this runs into the same problem, here's my quick and extremely dirty, yet apparently functional hack of the original mla.bst and mla.sty files with added mla website citation support (actually only the mlaurl.bst is modified, mlaurl.sty is simply a copy).
if i make any further modifications, i'll upload updated versions.
update 2005-07-05: still happy with the modifications i made. only unresolved problem i've come across so far is that the "clickable" version of the automatically generated links in the works cited section don't work correctly (underscores are left out). this does not affect the printed links, so i don't mind too much. i have updated the mlaurl.bst to include tweaked webpage entry to include organization, if given.
update 2005-10-19: updated the mlaurl.bst to allow for a user-defined prefix and suffix. the solution i used earlier didn't work too well with over-long urls. this current version works together with the packages url and hyperref to allow for clickable urls in the resulting pdf document. hyperref also allows you to format the links (color etc.) and to set some pdf options (author etc.). download link
update 2008-11-11: moved download to a different location and updated links