sorry about the lack of posts. i spent the first part of the week taking some time off my thesis (and giving my proofreaders time for their corrections & modifications), but feedback started rolling in on friday. i'm glad to say that overall, the feedback has been very positive. my readers found a few errors here and there, and had some stylistic suggestions. as of now, i've incorporated everything i agree with. i have yet to hear from some of my proofreaders, but i doubt they'll find anything big.
on another note, my teacher ok'ed my title change from "blogs and their effect on elections" to "weblogs and their role in elections". the latter title is basically what i should have called it from the start - i just didn't realize until later on... :-)
further planning: tomorrow will be the final day of scheduled changes. so, barring any unforeseen events, i'll get the paper printed and bound on tuesday, giving me ample time to hand it in on wednesday or thursday.